New Movie: Wars Don't End

“During World War II 12,000 children were born to Norwegian mothers and German soldiers. In WARS DON’T END five of these children tell their stories about lives of discrimination and abuse stemming from the choices of their mothers and the actions of their fathers. Liv Ullmann's narration binds together a horrific story that starts with Nazi soldiers being encouraged to have children with Norwegian women in order to strengthen the Aryan race. Several decades later the children break the silence, seeking justice for themselves and protection for future children born of war.”

For more information, please see here.

New Article: Marriage and Fatherhood in the Nazi SS

"From 1931 to 1945, leaders of the SS, a paramilitary group under the Nazi party, sought to transform their organization into a racially-elite family community that would serve as the Third Reich’s new aristocracy. They utilized the science of eugenics to convince SS men to marry suitable wives and have many children."

For more information, please see here.

New Conference: Securing health care of hidden populations: The case of Children Born of War

"Children born of war" (CBOW) are children born in conflict and post-conflict situations to native women and members of foreign troops. Empirical evidence indicates that these children are born in almost every armed conflict. Additionally, because of their (paternal) biological origin, the children are discriminated against and stigmatized in post-conflict societies. According to previous research, health problems have a fundamental influence on the development of the CBOW. As an expert on this topic, Ingvill C. Mochmann was invited with the Center for Global Health, Oslo, University of Oslo and the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), to organize and guide a conference, to be held on the 5th of June 2018 and funded by the University of Oslo and PRIO on "Securing health care of hidden populations: The Case of Children Born of War".

In addition to research-based knowledge from various conflicts such as the Second World War, Bosnia, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda, humanitarian organizations have reported on the critical situation of this group of children in today's conflicts. In particular, they are children of suspected IS supporters or sympathizers and children born of sexual assaults by ISIS members. These children are often seen as a security risk, not only in the conflict regions, but also in their parents' countries of origin, as soon as they want to return to their (European) homeland.

More information about the conference can be found here

A radio interview with Ingvill C. Mochmann (in Norwegian) can be listened to here

New Book: Quartermaster is not a father’s name

"The children Portuguese soldiers left in the Colonial War

Between 1961 and 1974 Portugal endured a colonial war in three African countries that were then Portuguese colonies (Guinea-Bissau, Angola and Mozambique). Around a million young Portuguese men were stationed in these territories during the conflict. The end of this war, after a military coup (25th April 1974), was also the end of a 48 year old dictatorship that led to the independency of the three African countries.

The children some of these men had with local women remained a private subject for more than 40 years. It was only discussed among veterans and known only by some of their families, up until 2013, when I first wrote about it in a reportage (text and vídeo) for the daily national newspaper Público. It was the first time this subject was mentioned in the media. In 2015, I went to Angola with a father that knew he had left an Angolan woman pregnant to meet with his unknown son."

by Catarina Gomes (Original Title: Furriel Não é Nome de Pai)

For more information, see here.